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钣金加工,机械设备设计制造 ,木片预热了仓,球磨机,立式挤塑机,隔音工程,电缆烘箱,...

我司是一家初具规模的专业从事钣金加工、机械设备研发,制造及销售的现代化企业,公司主要生产:电缆去器室、预热料仓、噪音隔音房、电器箱、印刷烘箱、食品烘箱、球磨机等。同时专门为周边地区生产厂家配套生产。我司拥有机械全套设备和专业技术人员。可提供钣金加工制作、专业为电器、涂料、印刷等生产厂商提供机箱、机架和大中小型设备制作配套服务。 公司以“品质为根,诚信为本,互惠互利,共同发展”为基础。 欢迎国内外客户来电洽谈。为广大客户提供更快,更好的服务,共创美好未来! Our company is a modern enterprise specialized in processing of sheet metal, researching, manufacturing and selling of machinery and equipments. Our main products are deaeration chamber for cable, preheating storage bins, noise insulation rooms, electrical appliance box, printing oven, foodstuff oven, ball crusher etc. In the meantime, we can specially provide a complete production network for factories around. Our company holds a complete set of technical equipments and a professional team of engineers, and provides sheet metal processing, support service of the chassis, machine frames and small and medium and big size equipments manufacturing to factories of electrical appliance, paintign & printing etc. The company insists on the blief of “quality first, honesty policy, mutual benefits and communal development”. Welcomes inquiries from domestic and foreign customers, and we will provide our guests with efficient and good service, to build a bright future.
企业名称: 临安市天目机械厂 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 全国 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 钣金加工,机械设备设计制造 ,木片预热了仓,球磨机,立式挤塑机,隔音工程,电缆烘箱,印刷烘箱,食品烘